Meditation is finally catching on in America and it is estimated 30% of Americans are now meditating. This is great news for the individual and for the collective. In fact, the Dalai Lama said if all eight-year olds were taught to meditate, we would have world peace in one generation. I believe him.

I teach many different styles of meditation, but when working one on one with individuals in coaching

stk156654rkesessions, I usually assign a very specified Kundalini meditation  or “Kriya” not like most meditations you may be commonly familiar with. The purpose of meditation from a Kundalini perspective is to break habits, purifying the mind, and take care of day to day habitual thinking and beliefs causing us the most karma/drama in our life.  It is a designated ACTION to heal the mind.  There are over 8,000 kriyas taught by Yogi Bhajan and they deal with everything from alcohol addiction, forgiveness, releasing ghosts from the past, to learning to love yourself.  Some facilitate prosperity, inner peace, empowerment, or pevent freaking out.  After a consultation with a person, I can find the right one for that person’s current state of mind and most pressing needs.

Let’s explore the idea of meditation only because there are so many misperceptions.  Meditation is not something you actually do.  What you do is practice purifying the mind so it becomes ultimately more still and able to go into a meditative state.  You can do this by sitting with your thoughts, using a mantra, or using a kriya.  Meditation is a gift received from the divine known as Simran. It is a feeling of being in a beautiful and peaceful flow.  In this state you tap into cosmic consciousness, the divine, God, or whatever you relate to and begin to remember who you really are.  This space if full of creativity and delight.  This space holds all the answers to all of your questions.  This space is also the key to you living happily with your questions never knowing the answers.

A common question I get after giving someone a Kundalini meditation is why do I tell them they have to do it for 3, 11, 22, 31, or 62 minutes.  Some meditations are even 2.5 hours (although I’ve never “prescribed” that as I mostly work with new meditators.)  Further, I ask clients to do the meditations for 40, 90, 120, or even 1,000 days.  Again, I’ve never asked for 1,000 days working with new to meditation meditators

Why Designated Times?

3 minutes:  At 3 minutes all messaging from the meditation can fully circulate through the blood and the nervous system.  The myofacial sheath has a chance to fully communicate with all of members and the message is heard.  3 minutes charges the electromagnetic field.

11 minutes:  Now we are getting somewhere.  The nerves and the glandular system align with the meditation.

22 minutes:  ahhh…balance.  The three minds, positive, negative, and neutral come into harmony.  You might know the as left, right, and balanced, or higher, lower, and neutral.  Different yogis have different language.

31 minutes:  This is GOLD.  All the trillions of cells of the body and the DNA they hold start to shimmer with the meditation.  The three Gunas (Sattva Rajas, and Tamas) or the way you perceive the world through your own personal lens come to balance.  The 31 Tattvas or projections of your personality from the mind come to balance.

62 minutes:  Science tells us the brain has plasticity and the ability to change.  At 62 minutes, you change the grey matter of the brain and new grooves form.  You regrow your brain.

2.5 hours:  Master meditator!  This changes how you relate to the universe.  Your new patters or subconscious are glued.

Why Designated Days?

You won’t like this, but yoga is a disciplined practice that requires daily participation to change the mind and your life.  Jumping in and out of your practice, changing your practice frequently, and not spending daily time on yourself makes meditation a waste of time.  You will never realize permanent and lasting benefits without commitment.  So, in Kundalini, we commit to:

40 days:  Changes a habit

90 days:  Confirms the habit is changed

120 days:  You are your new habit.

1,000 days:  You are the master of your new habit.

120 days is a magical space.  Each red blood cell in your body has a shelf life of 120 days.  Your heart is the center and master of your life.  Every time your heart beats, it stamps your current state of consciousness into the blood stream.  At 120 days you have stamped a new consciousness into new red blood cells and you are reborn.

Here is a link the meditation I teach the most to new to meditation meditators.  If you only do this meditation for the rest of your life, all of your karmas will clear.  You will align the chakras and the subtle body.  You will have balance and happiness.  LINK

I hope this is helpful, OM, Pamela

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.