I want to talk a bit about Love as it relates to Vata Dosha.  Vatas are prone to anxiety and worry. They can be a little insecure and uncertain. Their imagination runs wild. What this means is if you are a Vata or in a relationship with a Vata, you and/or that Vata NEED MORE ATTENTION than others.

Yes. That’s the simple answer to enjoying love as or with Vata. Banyan Sesame Oil with bottles
You simply need special attention each and every day.

Here are things that nourish Vata in love. If you are Vata, share this with your partner. If your relationship has a Vata imbalance, begin this practice and share it with your partner. If you are in relationship with Vata, do these things to nourish your partner:

Listen. Vata needs to talk and express. Often, it’s a lot of the same information over and over again, but Vata needs to say it and have it heard again and again. Remember, you can soothe Vata in one moment and then the tiniest little thing will send them off into anxious/worry land in the next heartbeat.

Affection. Vatas need to be cuddled and hugged. Vatas think that they want lots of lovemaking, but this is ungrounding and not beneficial to them. Once or twice a week is perfect for Vata. In between, enjoy massage, snuggling and lots of hugs.

Activity. Vata wants to distract itself especially if it is upset in relationship. Couples experiencing Vata imbalance really wind up their whole families by running errands, commiting to events, creating plans for the future, and sending everyone off in different directions. Vata can spend an entire marriage in distraction and not fulfillment. Ground your love in inactivity. Taking long walks after dinner, spending quiet time in passive activities such as simply reading together, having a lazy day in front of a fire and a good movie are all healing to Vata. Slow down your life and your relationship. Do nothing together.

Freedom. Vata needs to move. Vata wants to be free in a relationship to come and go and do their own thing. They love you. They will always come back. Let them try the new activities and classes that inspire them. Let them have lots of friends and feel comfortable in their dedication to you. Let them explore and let them quit without repercussion once they have lots interest in an activity.

Roles and Responsibilities. Put someone other than the Vata in the relationship in charge of the checkbook (not the best with money) and the scheduling of the mundane. Mundane for Vata is waiting for the cable guy, making appointments for dentists, doctors, and maintenance. The good news is, if you simply tell them at the last minute that the cable guy is coming and they need to be there between x and y, they LOVE it. They will quickly reschedule their whole day to accommodate what is now an unexpected and exciting event. They also want to please you and love being of help.

Laughter. All doshas need more fun in relationship. Don’t let your relationship turn into work. The person you love is the most important person in the world next to you! Have fun together.

Find out what dosha you and your mate are. 

You can find me at the Ahimsa Yoga Festival this October where I will be sharing the Yogic Lifestyle.

I hope this is helpful.  OM, Pamela


*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.