Yeast Infections are quite common and mostly easily treatable. That having been said, there are many suffering from chronic Candida and it is debilitating. I’ve worked with many clients who experienced a Western medicinal approach to a situation that included bombarding the system with many rounds of anti-biotic treatment and the end result has been chronic Candida.

Below is the treatment from a holistic Ayurvedic perspective. Please understand this is a long-term treatment plan. I can’t stress this enough. This is a lifestyle and when you fall off the lifestyle, you feed the Candida. Many suffering from Candida have experienced the situation for well over one year. Deep therapy is needed and time is needed to purify the entire tissue system. This can take up to 18 months and beyond depending upon how true to the plan the person is.

Cleanse, 28 days

The first treatment plan is to cleanse. The Elemental Cleanse allows you to wean from toxic forming and yeast feeding foods, drinks, and mental patterns. For example, alcohol, sugar, dairy, bread, and processed food must all be eliminated to remedy candida. All things cold must be eliminated to remedy candida. Hot spices including garlic, cayenne, and ginger are added to remedy candida. Stress must be reduced through mindfulness and meditation. Movement must be introduced to flush the system and provide relief to the symptoms of Candida including insomnia, lower back pain, dry skin, nervousness, restlessness, ringing in the ears, depression, excessive thirst, burning, hyperacidity, phlegm, frequent colds and flue, swollen glands, edema, heaviness, dullness, and excessive sleep. All recommendations are part of The Elemental Cleanse

Stepping back for a moment…you need to eliminate alcohol, sugar, and processed foods for up to 18 months. You need to meditate daily and move the body daily for 18 months. This can be hard and you need support of a community or coach.

In addition to the herbals of Neem and Triphala, Trisugandhi powder is recommended. It is made of:

Garlic may be eaten 3 – 5 cloves each day.

Probiotic is recommended

Normalizing Digestion, up to 18 months

Once digestion is normalized through the cleansing process, the immune system must be toned. This includes eating a dosha specific diet and taking specified herbals. Herbals include:


Bala   (known as Ginseng)

Vata type Candida

If you are Vata balanced post cleanse ad still have symptoms or if your Candida is giving you Vata symptoms including problems with sleep, aches & pains especially in the lower back, the inability to focus, ringing in the ears, dryness, gas & bloating, or constipation your normalizing diet is Vata pacifying and still detoxifying. Embrace whole grains has your primary source of nutrition. All food is to be cooked. All sugar including the sugars in fruit juices are to be avoided. Yeasted foods are to be avoided. Dairy, with the exception of buttermilk and ghee, is to be avoided. Specific foods that are gas or ama producing including beans, cabbage, and mushrooms are to be avoided.

Vata Herbals:

Ashwagandha and Ginseng as above

Asafoetida (blend)

Garlic as above

Pitta Type Candida

If you are Pitta balanced post cleanse ad still have symptoms or if your Candida is giving you Pitta symptoms including burning, fever, and hyperacidity, then a Pitta pacifying diet should be followed. Sugars are avoided. Raw foods and all bitters are good.


Bitters including goldenseal, barberry, gential, wormwood, and pau d’arco


Kapha Type Candida

If you are Kapha balanced post cleanse and still having symptoms or if your Candida is giving you Kapha symptoms including colds, flues, phlegm, swelling, dullness, or excessive sleep, a Kapha reducing diet is called for. This includes avoiding meat, dairy, and all sweets. Spicy foods are embraced.



Trisugandhi (cardoamom, bay leaves, dry ginger)

Internal Vaginal Treatment Yogurt

Shopping list:

Essential Oils….  I do recommend Young Living Oils.  Elemental OM affiliate code is:  391448

  • Chamomile, 5 drops
  • Lavender, 5 drops
  • Tea Tree, 5 drops

4 ounce carton of whole-milk, natural, white, unpasteurized, with live acidophilus culture yogurt

Tampons (with tampon removed from applicator)


Mix all together and fill the applicator. Insert as you would a tampon.   Use a tampon to keep treatment in place. Do once a day.

Internal Treatment Vinegar

Shopping list:

Essential Oils…. I do recommend Young Living Oils. Elemental OM affiliate code is: 391448

  • Lavender, 2 drops
  • Rosemary, 2 drops
  • Tea Tree, 2 drops

2 ½ cups warm water


Mix all together, soak the tampon, insert in the vagina. Do daily. Or you may use the entire solution as a douche and treat for three days.

Internal Treatment Neem Oil

Neem oil may be applied internally in the same manner. I recommend this be done at night and the oil allowed to absorb into the vaginal cavity.

*The sole purpose of these articles is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.